Saturday, January 3, 2009

DIY - Age Picture Table Numbers

A good friend of my had a birthday party and at each of her tables was a picture of herself at the age that matched the table number.

So I thought "WOW" what a cool idea for a bridal couple to use at their reception. It's very easy to do... all you need are your photos, large sticker numbers, card stock paper, double sided tape, scissors and $1 store frames (small to medium rectangle shape preferably). If you are good at creating crafts on computer...print it out!

What to do:

For table 1 - you will need a picture of the bride and groom at age one. Cut the card stock paper to fit into the frame, then stick the photos on each side of the paper and in the middle stick the number 1 for table one. Repeat the steps for each table number. See very easy, not only is it cute but the guest will love going to each table to view your photos. This is a great way to get both families and friends to mingle.

1 comment:

  1. This is a wonderful idea. I've seen time and time again how much guests enjoy personal touches like this. For my reception our table "numbers" were French/Creole places and we could hear the people around us talking about what they thought of the name of their table.

